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Omnichannel Marketing

My graduate studies prepared me with integrated marketing mix theories and some measure of integrated channel marketing. It nearly goes without saying that an experienced marketing director must have a firm grasp of the costs and benefits of marketing through each channel as they pertain to the business.


As a consultant, however, I quickly adopted a more holistic approach focused on every touch point along the journey from a prospect to a customer as part of a larger omnichannel marketing initiative. Each project I manage combines cross-functional business units of products, sales, advertising, & customer service to ensure the messaging hitting every channel is consistent and reduces problem resolutions within its adjacent channels.


The Omnichannel Approach

For instance, when promotional codes are used to discount product offerings, every business unit is made aware of the promotion (ideally via a centrally located visual display and product vertical reporting suite). In this way, products can be prepared for increased demand, sales and marketing can be sure not to cannibalize each other's efforts, and customer service can be prepared to answer questions quickly.


Additionally, each business unit that touches the customer is provided taxonomy guidelines for tagging links to the website or e-commerce platform, and when possible promotions are coupled with identifying phone codes, and vanity landing pages along with the tagging criteria to streamline attribution and pinpoint touchpoints with opportunities for optimization.

Life Cycle Marketing

Life Cycle Marketing.png

I absolutely love the graphic above created by SmartInsights.Com for so accurately capturing all of the key touchpoints that a customer should experience along her journey and back again as a loyal customer. It involves the following four interaction zones:


  1. Reach - Using multiple marketing channels to promote your business and capture interest

  2. Act - Drive traffic to a knowledge base where users can interact with your brand and its ambassadors

  3. Convert - Continually improve your conversion funnel to make being a customer effortless 

  4. Engage - Survey, reward, remarket, and personalize messages to your customers to keep them for life


Presenting a unified and cohesive brand message at each step along this customer journey is what it means to truly engage in Omnichannel marketing.

Omnichannel Marketing Experience:

Project & Marketing Director • Giftibly Inc. • Orlando, FL    2016 - 2018

Developed multi-channel digital marketing campaign that included segmented audience targeting with optimizations driven by analytic event data & VWO testing results. Acquisition campaigns weighted heavily toward paid search, paid social, & earned social strategies. Retargeting campaigns weighted heavily toward automated DRIP campaigns & display remarketing.


Marketing Director • Savannah Pines • Biloxi, MS • 2011-2014

Led team of 7 sales & marketing professionals in the design, development, & branding of real estate development company. Integrated brand efforts, web media & advertising with sales initiatives. Conducted all broadcast media negotiation & contracting. Built & directed multi-channel marketing strategy 


Clinical Trial Marketing Campaign • Johnson & Johnson • Biloxi, MS  • 2012 & 2013

Worked with Johnson & Johnson & 3 medical office clinics to implement trial participant recruitment along the gulf coast of Mississippi. Engagement included TV & radio broadcast media purchases. Coordinate web design projects with lead generating landing pages developed for each provider. Digital prints with trial information, & paid search campaigns segmented into consumer targets based on age, & medical condition.


Destination Marketing Consultant • Del-Pacifico • Costa Rica • 2011

Executed web design, web content creation, paid search, display ad, & email campaign for opted-in consumers interested in condo ownership & vacationing. to kick off initial sales of condominiums. Secured research & survey firm to calculate net-promoter scores & target lookalike audiences for on-going condo rentals

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